Sim Sandhu


Acupuncture is one of the oldest and most important treatment methods in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). It is a key component used within a multi-disciplinary approach. Based on ancient philosophy dating back over 3000 years, the principals that recognise the body’s innate power to heal itself, are very much relevant to modern life today.


Massage Therapy contributes to a person’s overall well being for the mind, body, and spirit. A personal consultation can assist in deciding which variety of techniques best suit your needs. Choose from traditional Swedish, Deep Tissue, or an Eastern inspired Therapy Massage where body, mind, and spirit are united.

Chi Skin Rituals

Energetic skincare treatments provide healthy, balanced and glowing complexion for people of all skin types through a holistic understanding of health.


Over the past decade Sim Sandhu has developed a particularly effective slimming programme which can offer excellent results. The programme is focused not just on weight loss but on treating the factors that lead to weight gain. If your body and lifestyle are in balance, the body’s metabolism will function properly.  If your body isn’t circulating energy and nutrients properly your metabolism will slowdown resulting in deposits of fatty tissue.



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