Start your journey to NATURAL HOLISTIC RESPONSIBLE Weight loss
Over the past decade Sim Sandhu has developed a particularly effective slimming programme which can offer excellent results. The programme is focused not just on weight loss but on treating the factors that lead to weight gain. If your body and lifestyle are in balance, the body’s metabolism will function properly. If your body isn’t circulating energy and nutrients properly your metabolism will slowdown resulting in deposits of fatty tissue.
By making a traditional diagnosis, Sim can see if there is any underlying problems which could be hindering weight loss. Thyroid dysfunction, polycystic ovaries, sluggish metabolisms, or diabetes could all be examples where an underlying condition affects your weight.
How does Acupuncture help weight loss?
Traditional Chinese Medicine can aid weight loss holistically by restoring your body’s natural flow and balance. After an initial consultation, a personalized intensive treatment plan, is developed combining treatments like Acupuncture, Fire Cupping, Massage and Macrobiotic Nutrition. including individual lifestyle guidance.
By tackling the underlying issue and addressing the root cause, makes it easier to resolve the symptoms and lose the weight. The tailor made Treatment helps you to function more effectively allowing you to correctly flush out toxins, your digestive system to breakdown foods properly, and your body to absorb more nutrients efficiently from each meal.
Our philosophy is to assist your weight loss journey through natural, safe, and non-invasive treatments and care.
This treatment can also help to:
- Regulate your appetite
- Eliminate cravings
- Eliminate bloating
- Burning off fat
Dal Singh, who has lost weight following months of acupuncture treatment with therapist Sim Sandhu.